- Spectacular dragon motif in high relief!
- 1 kilo pure 999 copper!
- Handcrafted at Ateliers P. de Greef!
In the vibrant year of 2024, the spotlight is on the majestic dragon, and our latest release in the 1 kilo copper coin series pays homage to this mythical creature. Renowned artist Beni Debacker has once again bestowed upon us an awe-inspiring illustration for this exceptional edition.
Debacker’s artistic process is a testament to dedication and craftsmanship. Beginning with a detailed drawing, he meticulously translates his vision onto plaster, from which the minting die is expertly crafted. This meticulous journey, from initial concept to the finished coin, exemplifies the artistry and passion embedded in each piece.
Collaborating with the esteemed Belgian mint P. DeGreef, we don’t just produce coins; we create veritable artworks that captivate audiences worldwide. The fusion of tradition and innovation results in not only aesthetically pleasing coins but also captivating pieces of art that transcend boundaries and garner attention on a global scale.
As the Year of the Dragon unfolds, this 1 kilo copper coin stands as a symbolic representation of power, strength, and mythical allure. With its stunning design and the meticulous craftsmanship behind it, this coin not only joins numismatic collections but also emerges as a captivating masterpiece that echoes the rich heritage of Belgian minting excellence.